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Should an activity without connection to a repository have a ViewModel?

I am trying to understand MVVM on Android.

Assuming I have this simple application: (behaviour like Google contact app)

  • ListActivity: List of contacts from server
  • DetailActivity: detail screen of one contact (opened by click on list item)

For this list it is pretty clear how to implement mvvm pattern:

  • Activity is observing live data from view model and is updating recycler view
  • ViewModel: getAllContacts from repository
  • Repository: getAllContacts from server/DB/etc..

If the user clicks now on a contact in the list Detail screen will open: ListActivity does putExtra(“CONTACT”, chosenContact) and is starting detailActivity

DetailActivity is getting this ContactObject and is creating this view:

  • show image
  • show name
  • create contact options (call, sms, video)

As you can see in my example DetailScreen is not communicating with repository. It has already received all needed data from intent.


  1. Should you create a view model for this detailActivity?
  2. If yes, what are the tasks of this view model if there is no connection to a repository needed?
  3. In google contacts app I have the options to delete a contact and to add contact to favorites. These should be done in a viewModel and this ViewModel needs a connection to a repository? Tasks of DetailActivity like call, send message, video call or share contact need context so as far as I understand MVVM they should be done in Activity class?


  • Should you create a view model for this detailActivity?

    In your case there is no need for it.

    If yes, what are the tasks of this view model if there is no connection to a repository needed?

    ViewModel helps a lot keeping state of an activity/fragment. If you had a spinner, or a checkbox, or any other field that could change, like a description text field inserted by the user, viewmodel would help keep the data even when the user rotates the phone.

    In google contacts app I have the options to delete a contact and to add contact to favorites. These should be done in a viewModel and this ViewModel needs a connection to a repository?

    Yes, your UI would call a fun in your viewmodel that would send to the repository, etc.

    Tasks of DetailActivity like call, send message, video call or share contact need context so as far as I understand MVVM they should be done in Activity class?

    Exactly, there is no need to use the viewmodel to send an intent to share a contact with another app, for instance.