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windbg help missing kernel32 function

I am trying to follow this tutorial here specifically the part where it mentions x kernel32!writeprocessmemory

I am unable to find the method kernel32!WriteProcessMemory = even though documentation mentions it but i can find kernel32!_imp__WriteProcessMemory and kernel32!WriteProcessMemoryStub. I am new to windbg and trying to follow the tutorial so i am not sure if this method has been deprecated and if so, what is it's substitute and how do we achieve similar functionality.



  • The exported WriteProcessMemory function in fact points to the kernel32!WriteProcessMemoryStub stub which itself jumps onto the kernel32!__imp_WriteProcessMemory which redirects to the kernelbase DLL which is the "real" location for this function.

    Let's check with a link dump:

    C:>link /dump /exports c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll | findstr /I WriteProcess
           1579  62A 00036C50 WriteProcessMemory

    0x36C50 is the RVA where the function "WriteProcessMemory" resides in kernel32 (as given by the export table). Now in windbg:

    0:007> ln kernel32 + 0x36c50
    Browse module
    Set bu breakpoint
    (00007ff9`4a6e6c50)   KERNEL32!WriteProcessMemoryStub   |  (00007ff9`4a6e6c60)   KERNEL32!ZombifyActCtxStub

    We have an exact match which is in fact the KERNEL32!WriteProcessMemoryStub function. If we look at it:

    0:007> u KERNEL32!WriteProcessMemoryStub
    00007ff9`4a6e6c50 48ff2599150400  jmp     qword ptr [KERNEL32!_imp_WriteProcessMemory (00007ff9`4a7281f0)]
    00007ff9`4a6e6c57 cc              int     3

    We can see it's just a jump to KERNEL32!_imp_WriteProcessMemory (located somewhere in the .idata section of kernel32).

    Now if we look at what is contained at this location, we have a pointer:

    0:007> dp KERNEL32!_imp_WriteProcessMemory L1
    00007ff9`4a7281f0  00007ff9`496f0ca0

    If we ask windbg what is this pointer:

    0:007> ln 00007ff9`496f0ca0
    Browse module
    Set bu breakpoint
    (00007ff9`496f0ca0)   KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory   |  (00007ff9`496f0dc4)   KERNELBASE!OpenWow64CrossProcessWorkConnection
    Exact matches:
        KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory (void)

    We can see that in fact the "real" location for the WriteProcessMemory is in fact in kernelbase.dll.

    note: you can actually do the last two commands in one with dps:

    0:007> dps KERNEL32!_imp_WriteProcessMemory L1
    00007ff9`4a7281f0  00007ff9`496f0ca0 KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory

    Windbg command used: