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How to create intersection type of arrays

A simplification of what I'm trying to implement is the following:


 * @psalm-type Foo=array{foo: string}
 * @psalm-type Bar=array{bar: int}

 * @param Foo&Bar $v
function acceptFooAndBar(array $v): void {
    echo sprintf('%s %d', $v['foo'], $v['bar']);

acceptFooAndBar(['foo' => 'f', 'bar' => 42]);

In short: I'm trying to type a function that accepts an array that is an intersection of 2 other @psalm-types. That is: an array has fields from both array types (those are unique and are guaranteed to be different).

This code as expected - does not type check:

ERROR: InvalidDocblock - 9:11 - Intersection types must all be objects, Psalm\Type\Atomic\ObjectLike provided in docblock for acceptFooAndBar

Is there really no way but to stick to runtime assertions/checks?

Important: this question is strictly about static typing, I understand you can check it in runtime.


  • I reported it as a bug and it was fixed at

    So now it type-checks properly.