I was looking around the Laravel framework and some of their products and I noticed that Cashier is using the Casheir class with static methods compared to Socialite, which is used as a facade.
What are the benefits/downsides of building it one or the other way, or is there none at all? I would like to build something myself, but I don't want to start building it as a class with static methods if building it as a facade is a better solution.
When you may need multiple implementations, a single interface can be defined through facade to simplify the code
Building it as a class with static methods:
When you have multiple classes you have to do something like this:
CashierOne::method, CashierTwo::method ....
Used as a facade:
According to what you bind to the container to switch the implementation You only need to call through an interface:
// Define a Cashier Facade
class Cashier extends Facade
* Get the registered name of the component.
* @return string
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'cashier';
// In CashServiceProvider
$this->app->singleton('cashier', function ($app) {
return new CashierManager ($app);
// In CashierManager
public function gateway($name = null)
// get cashier implementation by name
public function __call($method, $parameters)
return $this->gateway()->$method(...$parameters);
// In Controller
In addition, the facade is easier to test, check: