I am using the ORM linq2db.
We have the need to set the column names at runtime.
That's why I can't use the attributes in the POCO-Class and instead use the Fluent Mapping Api (which is not documented as far as I know).
Because the column names will be determined at runtime I want to iterate over all properties in my Entities and set the Columnname
In EF Core 3.x this would look like something like this:
foreach (var property in modelBuilder.Model.GetEntityTypes()
.SelectMany(t => t.GetProperties()))
Is there a possibility to iterate over all the Properties in my Model, like in EF Core?
In linq2db to set the properties of a Property I have to use code like this:
.Property(x => x.Company) // This is the Membergetter, which i can't use in a foreach afaik.
To Access the Property ID I have to use "x => x.ID"(Expression<Func<Addresses, object>> memberGetter)
, but when I Iterate over the Properties, I don't know how to select the correct Property (PropertyMappingBuilder) without using this Expression (memberGetter) or how to set this Expression in a foreach. Is there a string overload like this .Property("Company")
? I coudn't find any.
I tried it with reflection, but the Expression part didn't work ;):
foreach (var property in typeof(Addresses).GetProperties())
var fieldInfo = adressenInfo.GetFieldByUser(property.Name);
adressenBuilder.Property(a => property.GetValue(a)) // this line doesn't work
Any Ideas are welcome! Thanks :)
You need to generate proper LambdaExpression manually for Parameter()
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Addresses));
adressenBuilder.Property(Expression.Lambda<Func<Addresses, object>>(
Expression.Convert(Expression.Field(param, fieldInfo), typeof(object)),