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How to manage my application window with python-xlib?

I would like to find a linux-wide (insofar as it uses X11) way to control the window geometry of my application, which I program using Python. All my researches point to using python-xlib, which happens to be very poorly documented.

What I'd like to achieve is:

  • define position of window on screen
  • define minimum and maximum size
  • enable / disable window resizing
  • reserve screen-space for window
  • keep window above/below
  • skip or not task-bar (aka window list)
  • set window decorated / undecorated
  • set window flags (normal, pop-up, dialogue, splash, dock, ignored)

NB: I don't want to create the with Xlib, instead I want to tell X what to do with the window i created with some GUI library (PyQt for instance).

How can I go about doing this? I realise this question is quite a big one: do you have hints at least as to how I can get hold of my window? Where in the module can I find my answers?

Edit: n.m.'s answer offered great resources, and there is also another Q&A on Unix StackExchange that provides a great example on how to get control on an application window displayed by X.


  • The first keyword you need to know is ICCCM. You need to be familiar with the ICCCM manual (see and the FreeDesktop extensions to the same (see As for your question

    how I can get hold of my window?

    I don't quite understand it. You call create_window and the function returns your Window object. Or do you mean something else?