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DwinsHs for Inno Setup: Edit HTTP_HEADER const for URL to download during the install

I posted this question DwinsHs for Inno Setup: How to add an apikey HTTP header of a request?

And now I want to edit the HTTP_HEADER during the install. The HTTP_HEADER is a const. I changed it to a var to be able to edit it. But when I do this, during the download I have an error "failed to send request to the HTTP server"

In my setup, the user should insert credentials (user, password) in a previous wizard page, and after that the setup get the APIKEY of the user session from the remote server from where it will download the files that the user asked for.

The HTTP_HEADER const is used by HttpSendRequest(hRequest, HTTP_HEADER, Length(HTTP_HEADER), '', 0); in the dwinshs.iss :

function HttpSendRequest(hRequest: HINTERNET; lpszHeaders: PAnsiChar; dwHeadersLength: DWORD; lpOptional: PAnsiChar;
  dwOptionalLength: DWORD): BOOL;
external 'HttpSendRequestA@wininet.dll stdcall delayload setuponly';

I changed the type of HTTP_HEADER to PAnsiChar but I have the same error.

Can you tell me how to resolve my problem, please? Thanks.


  • Change HTTP_HEADER declaration in dwinshs.iss to:

    var HTTP_HEADER: string;

    And then modify the value as you need in your code, prior to the file download:

    HTTP_HEADER := 'Header: value';