I am trying to create an automated clean shutdown of my opensimulator servers.
On each server, I have several Tmux sessions. Inside each session, there are several windows. In the following example, there are only two sessions to keep things simple.
sara@opensim:~$ tmux ls
Robust: 5 windows (created Tue May 12 22:08:28 2020)
Simulators01: 6 windows (created Tue May 12 23:30:38 2020)
In the full version, there will be 10+ Simulator sessions.
What I want to do is use a shell script to select a specific session. Every session will have a closedown shell script which looks similar to this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "checking for session - $SESSION"
SESSIONEXISTS=$(tmux list-sessions | grep $SESSION)
if [ "$SESSIONEXISTS" != "" ]
echo "session found"
tmux attach-session -d -t $SESSION
tmux select-window -t '0821'
tmux send-keys -t '0821' 'quit' C-m
tmux select-window -t '0900'
tmux send-keys -t '0900' 'quit' C-m
tmux select-window -t '0901'
tmux send-keys -t '0901' 'quit' C-m
tmux select-window -t '0910'
tmux send-keys -t '0910' 'quit' C-m
tmux select-window -t '0911'
tmux send-keys -t '0911' 'quit' C-m
tmux select-window -t '0920'
tmux send-keys -t '0920' 'quit' C-m
echo "finished shut down call for $SESSION"
echo "session not found skipping"
The problem line is
tmux attach-session -d -t $SESSION
When it is run from a shell script, everything after that stops until the session is detached. However, without attaching the session only the windows of the last attached session can be accessed.
I can't simply kill the session at the end of the quit commands because the simular running inside each window can take up to 10 mins to shut down. Neither do I want to wait 10 mins between starting each shutdown. I want to set them all going then wait for the processes to close before doing a reboot.
What I need is to either: 1. Attach a session and allow the script to keep running without pressing ctrl+b D to detach. or 2. Change the session which is being accessed without actually attaching it like the above example.
I have also tried
tmux switch-client SessionName
tmux switch-client -t SessionName
tmux switch-client -n
All of these return the same result
no current client
I have also tried
tmux send-keys -t 'WindowName' 'tmux choose-session' C-m
tmux send-keys -t 'WindowName' '0' C-m
Unfortunately, this option also states there is no client.
I am sure this must be possible, I am going round in circles, please help
There is no concept of a "selected session", clients have an attached session but outside tmux when you don't specify a session the choice of which to use is made separately each time. See here: https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki/Advanced-Use#the-default-target
But you shouldn't need it. You are already using -t
to specify the window, use it to specify the session as well:
tmux send-keys -t "$SESSION:8021" 'quit' C-m
You don't need select-window
either unless you later plan to attach, and then one select-window
at the end would do. See https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki/Advanced-Use#command-targets for a description of targets.
You may also find the has-session
command useful instead of using grep
, or the -F
flag to list-sessions