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How to connect asyc data fetch using Core NFC and Swift UI?

I am trying to create a DataModel for my SwiftUI Screen. The problem I am facing is that I use Core NFC to scan a NFCTag (perform some tasks) and then I want to update the SwiftUI Screen. The data fetch/manipulation occurs asynchronous.


struct NFCTest: View {

    @EnvironmentObject var nfcController: NFCController

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button(action: {
            }) {


final class NFCController: UIViewController, ObservableObject {

@Published var someObject :ObjectStruct //someObject contains a @Published var someVar    
//Tag detected
    func doSomeAsyncCalls {
    //calling functions in other swift files. runs async on another thread. Should change someVar at the end of the calculation

Now the problem is that nested Observable Objects to do not work in SwiftUI. I tried to make an observable var in NFCController and inside that var I created a published var. But the change is not triggered in SwiftUI.

Are there any concepts to solve this async data flow problem?


  • Here is possible approach (scratchy)

    final class NFCController: UIViewController, ObservableObject {
        @Published var someObject :ObjectStruct
        func doSomeAsyncCalls {
            // .. some other code here
   .background).async { // < mimic async call
                // .. some calculations
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    self.someObject.someVar = result
                    self.objectWillChange.send()     // << here !!

    of course related view should has dependency on this controller members somewhere in body, otherwise rendering engine could just ignore update.