I'm attempting to create a Sierpinski triangle with the ezgraphics library using recursion. I imagine that there are several things that I have done wrong but I'm stuck as I am relatively new to coding. I'm not looking for someone to complete the code for me, just suggestions as to what to try next.
Here is the library I'm using: http://www.ezgraphics.org/ReferenceGuide/ReferenceGuide
And here is my rough code so far:
from ezgraphics import GraphicsWindow
def main():
winSpec = int(input("enter the size of the window: "))
subDiv = int(input("Enter number of subdivisions: "))
win = GraphicsWindow(winSize,winSize)
canvas = win.canvas()
canvas.setColor( "blue" )
triangle1 = [winSpec/2, 0, 0, winSpec, winSpec, winSpec]
def drawGasket(points,subDiv,canvas):
if subDiv > 0:
points2 = [points[0] + points[2] /2,points[1] + points[3] /2, points[0] + points[4] /2,points[1] + points[5] /2, points[2] + points[4] /2,points[3] + points[5] /2]
drawGasket(points2, subDiv - 1, canvas)
You should draw only for subDiv == 0
and for other values you should calculate middle points and run again with three new triangles.
You have to use ()
to divide sum - (points[0] + points[2]) /2
. Without ()
you divide second point before adding points.
You can assing points to variables which means something to make code more readable
x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = points
and then you can calculate middle points
middle_1_2_x = (x1+x2)/2
middle_1_2_y = (y1+y2)/2
middle_2_3_x = (x2+x3)/2
middle_2_3_y = (y2+y3)/2
middle_1_3_x = (x1+x3)/2
middle_1_3_y = (y1+y3)/2
before you create new triangles
triangle1 = [x1, y1, middle_1_2_x, middle_1_2_y, middle_1_3_x, middle_1_3_y]
triangle2 = [middle_1_2_x, middle_1_2_y, x2, y2, middle_2_3_x, middle_2_3_y]
triangle3 = [middle_1_3_x, middle_1_3_y, middle_2_3_x, middle_2_3_y, x3, y3]
Full code:
from ezgraphics import GraphicsWindow
def main():
#winSpec = int(input("enter the size of the window: "))
#subDiv = int(input("Enter number of subdivisions: "))
winSpec = 600
subDiv = 2
win = GraphicsWindow(winSpec, winSpec)
canvas = win.canvas()
triangle = [winSpec/2, 0, 0, winSpec, winSpec, winSpec]
print('start:', triangle)
drawGasket(triangle, subDiv, canvas)
def drawGasket(triangle, subDiv, canvas):
if subDiv == 0:
print(' draw:', triangle)
x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = triangle
middle_1_2_x = (x1+x2)/2
middle_1_2_y = (y1+y2)/2
print('middle 1-2:', middle_1_2_x, middle_1_2_y)
middle_2_3_x = (x2+x3)/2
middle_2_3_y = (y2+y3)/2
print('middle 2-3:', middle_2_3_x, middle_2_3_y)
middle_1_3_x = (x1+x3)/2
middle_1_3_y = (y1+y3)/2
print('middle 1-3:', middle_1_3_x, middle_1_3_y)
triangle1 = [x1, y1, middle_1_2_x, middle_1_2_y, middle_1_3_x, middle_1_3_y]
drawGasket(triangle1, subDiv-1, canvas)
triangle2 = [middle_1_2_x, middle_1_2_y, x2, y2, middle_2_3_x, middle_2_3_y]
drawGasket(triangle2, subDiv-1, canvas)
triangle3 = [middle_1_3_x, middle_1_3_y, middle_2_3_x, middle_2_3_y, x3, y3]
drawGasket(triangle3, subDiv-1, canvas)