I'm trying to use the nsupdate module to update records but I'm having mixed success. While the records do get added, I'm getting the zone appended at the end of the value.
For example:
I want a cname called mycname.domain1.com
pointed to shawarmas.domain2.com
. After I run the playbook I end up with an entry that looks like this:
mycname.domain1.com. 5 IN CNAME shawarmas.domain2.com.domain1.com
Is there something wrong in my playbook that is causing this?
- hosts: myserver
- debug:
msg: "{{ value }}"
- name: "Add record to escapia zone"
key_name: "ddns"
key_secret: "******"
server: "dnsserver"
record: "{{ record }}"
type: "{{ type }}"
value: "{{ value }}"
ttl: 5
Run Command:
ansible-playbook -i inv -e "record=record-test.example.com.
type=CNAME value=test.different.com" exampledns.yml -v
Ansible output:
changed: [myserver] => changed=true
dns_rc: 0
dns_rc_str: NOERROR
record: record-test.example.com.
ttl: 5
type: CNAME
- test.different.com
zone: example.com.
DNS result:
record-test.example.com. 5 IN CNAME test.different.com.example.com
Usually, you need to append a .
to the end of the value to make it full qualified. Without the .
it is unqualified and appending the zone.
Try with:
ansible-playbook -i inv -e "record=record-test.example.com. type=CNAME value=test.different.com." exampledns.yml -v