I am trying to install Ghost CMS in a subdomain of my shared server but can't get to run the install locally commnad in my subdomain folder. The command I am using is this ghost install local
To be able to run node.js in my shared server in I speciefic folder the cpanel has something called "Setup Node.js App" here is where I start to be confused. Then I install it, then in the terminal, I go to a source....
link they give me after the node installation.
After that, I run de node and npm version check, and they are working ok.
I install ghost globally npm install ghost-cli@latest -g
without any problem, but after that, I can not run the ghost install local
Maybe I am doing all wrong and there is a better way to install Ghost in my server.
Tech Support said that the server meets all the requirements.
The server from Namecheap Stellar Plan, Is a Linux shared server and supports SSH and some of the major technologies, included Node.js But I can't make this to work. Locally on my computer it was easy and fast. But on the server (which is the point) I don't know what steps to follow.
I'll be grateful about your help.
Maybe a little late to the party, but you have to add the path of the ghost binary to the PATH environment variable. This path is stated when you install ghost-cli, you simply have have to insert the last lib/
bit in the path.
$ export PATH="$PATH:/home/<your-home>/nodevenv/<your-node-js-ghost-app>/10/lib/bin/"
$ export PATH="$PATH:/home/<your-home>/<your-node-js-ghost-app>/10/lib/bin/"
Then you have to make sure the directory is empty. It will likely not be, then rm -rf everything in it.
Then you will be able to perform your command:
$ ghost install local
and it should run without error.