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aws fargate adding a parameter for environment variables

I'm trying to automate the Cloudformation deployment of our fargate instances. I have cloudformation deploying successfully if i hard the environment variables entries but if i try to add as parameters, type string, it complains about it not being a string.

here is the parameter

"EnvVariables": { "Description": "All environment Variables for Docker to run", "Type": "String" },

In my task definition i have the following settings for the Container Definition

     "Environment": [
        "Name": "JAVA_OPTS",
        "Value": "-Djdbc.url=jdbc:dbdriver:// -Djdbc.user=xxxxx -Djdbc.password=xxxxx" 

If i enter the following into the parameter field via the gui

"-Djdbc.url=jdbc:dbdriver:// -Djdbc.user=xxxxx -Djdbc.password=xxxxx"

it complains about it not being a string.

How do i edit this to be accepted as a parameter?


  • Using the task definition (portal or JSON) you can define "secrets" inside the "containerDefinitions" section which will be retrieved from secrets manager.

    Note: At the time of writing, Fargate only supports secrets that are a single value, not the JSON or key value secrets. So choose OTHER when creating the secret and just put a single text value there.

        "ipcMode": null,
        "executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::##:role/roleName",
        "containerDefinitions": [
            "secrets": [{
              "name": "SomeEnvVariable",
              "valueFrom": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:###:secret:service/secretname"
        "requiresCompatibilities": [
        "networkMode": "awsvpc",

    Note: that execution role defined in the task needs a policy attached such as SecretsManagerReadWrite

    More info in docs