I downloaded Ghidra about a week ago(I am new to reverse engineering), I did what the tutorial video from Ghidra official site was showing, I made a simple C++ program to Visual Studio, the program has an infinity while(while(1)
) that prints "Hello World!" to the screen(std::cout << "Hello World!";
I used Ghidra to disassemble that program as the person at the tutorial did it, but I am getting errors.
The errors :
PDB> ERROR: Unable to locate the DIA SDK. It is required to load PDB files.
* See docs/README_PDB.html for DLL registration instructions.
PDB> ERROR: Unable to locate the DIA SDK. It is required to load PDB files.
* See docs/README_PDB.html for DLL registration instructions.
Windows x86 PE RTTI Analyzer> Couldn't find type info structure.
I saw "README_PDB.html", I did what it said there to do, but still the errors, all of them, where there.
After some time I found out that the folder my .exe
was stored had also a [name of my exe].pdb file and that when you choose analyzers there is an analyzer "PDB" and if you click on it will let you insert a path, tried to insert the path to the parent folder of that .pdb, but still nothing changed.
So : How can I make this work, please anyone, I am desperate
Based on the error, it seems you are running ghidra on Windows, and the error is referred to at the README_PDB and load_pdb sites. Maybe the problem is with Visual Studio rather than ghidra.
Quoting from there:
In order for the native PDB parser to work on your Microsoft Windows machine, you must:
- Ensure you have msdia140.dll on your computer, and
- Register msdia140.dll in the Windows registry.
The following instructions assume you have a 64-bit operating system. If you have rebuilt pdb.exe with a newer version of the DIA SDK you will need to register the corresponding version of the 64-bit DLL. The DIA SDK 14.0 corresponds to Visual Studio 2017. The PDB format is known to change over time and may be incompatible with the current pdb.exe parser contained within Ghidra. A Microsoft Visual Studio project is provided within the Ghidra/Features/PDB/src/pdb directory which will allow you to rebuild it with a newer version of Visual Studio and DIA SDK.