Adding a limit to a Sequelize Query with a SubQuery fails to limit retrievals. Multiple online resources referencing this error and no solutions. Is this a Sequelize error or user error?
order: [
['updated_at', 'DESC']
where: {
distinct: true,
limit: 10,
include: [
model: Thread,
include: [
{ model: Email, include: [Attachment] },
// ThreadFolderUser (assoc table) - Thread / Folder / User (tables)
User.hasMany(ThreadFolderUser, { foreignKey: 'user_id' })
ThreadFolderUser.belongsTo(User, { foreignKey: 'user_id' })
Folder.hasMany(ThreadFolderUser, { foreignKey: 'folder_id' })
ThreadFolderUser.belongsTo(Folder, { foreignKey: 'folder_id' })
Thread.hasMany(ThreadFolderUser, { foreignKey: 'thread_id' })
ThreadFolderUser.belongsTo(Thread, { foreignKey: 'thread_id' })
// Thread - Emails
Thread.hasMany(Email, { foreignKey: 'thread_id' })
Email.belongsTo(Thread, { foreignKey: 'thread_id' })
// Email - Attachments
Email.hasMany(Attachment, { foreignKey: 'email_id' })
Attachment.belongsTo(Email, { foreignKey: 'email_id' })
I expected 10 records (based on the limit currently set to 10) retrieved from the AssociationTable, since I have at least 15 records in the database that match this query.
Returns 6 in my case, instead of 10 (with the limit set to 10). Instead of pulling the first 10 matches.
If I remove the limit, it works as intended (even with the includes).
If I remove the include, it works as intended (even with the limit).
If I copy/paste the SQL Query generated by Sequelize and insert it directly into Workbench, it retrieves the proper amount of rows.
It seems the issue is the limit combined with the include cause the query to retrieve only the records that match within the first 10 searched in the DB.
Other references to the same issue without a proper solution presented:
I'm well aware that this exact same issue has been brought up in multiple other threads and platforms -- as I have linked a few of them above -- however none of them have a direct answer, and 1 of them marked an irrelevant point as the answer which did not solve the intended issue. I'm hoping we can get an answer to this, or a realistic workaround beyond hard coding the SQL Query (last resort).
It would be unthinkable for Sequelize not to be able to handle a limit with an include in the same query, so there must be something missing / user error on my side. I've searched multiple times and certainly started with Sequelize documentation, of which does not reference this issue or a similar example, or any problems that may arise with combining a limit and include.
Many thanks for any contributions made to help solve this issue. Hopefully some @Sequelize Engineer is out there able to help answer this :)
You cannot properly limit a sequelize query that including hasMany association until you make sequelize to get included association objects by separate queries. In your query you have include with the association Thread.hasMany(Email so you should indicate separate: true in the Email include like this (this also goes for Attachment association):
include: [
model: Email,
separate: true,
include: [{
model: Attachment,
separate: true
}] },
Also you don't need to indicate distinct: true because we already indicated to separate hasMany associations into its own queries.
Another problem with hasMany includes (especially with nested hasMany) in queries that they turn into JOIN's in a SQL query that means a DB multiplies an amount of main records to an amount of nested records and so on. For instance: 100 main records each has 100 linked records each has its own linked 100 records (Thread -> Email -> Attachment). All in all you make a DB to query 100*100*100 - 1 million records at once! It usually leads to out of memory.
About LIMIT and hasMany: a DB selects 100 main records with 100 linked for each (10000 records at once) and after that it takes first 10 records from these 10000 records (not from 100 main records). That's how SQL queries work!