OK, super-newbie Swift learner here with what I am sure is a simple question, that for some reason I cannot wrap my head around.
In the below code, I am creating a (very) simple address book structure just to understand how to reference and initialize the various elements, especially structures within structures. What am I doing wrong and is there a better way to write this? I am getting errors (using Swift Playground).
Errors on the last three lines:
Instance member 'page' cannot be used on the type 'AddressBookStruct'
Instance member 'subscript' cannot be used on type '[AddressPageStruct]'.
Plus, when I set var page = [AddressBookStrcut]
I get the error:
Expected member name or constructor call after type name
Thanks in advance for the understanding nudge. :)
struct AddressPageStruct {
let firstName: String
let lastName: String
let cellPhone: Int
init(f: String, l:String, c:Int) {
firstName = f
lastName = l
cellPhone = c
struct AddressBookStruct {
let color: String
let size: String
var page = [AddressPageStruct]
var littleBlackBook = AddressBookStruct.self
littleBlackBook.init(color: "Black", size: "Little")
littleBlackBook.page[0].cellPhone = 6191234567
littleBlackBook.page[0].firstName = "Bob"
littleBlackBook.page[0].lastName = "Smith"
The struct is value type, please check this. structure vs class in swift language,
you can't make this littleBlackBook.page[0].cellPhone, because cellPhone is constant you use let, instead use the constructor, also I change the page for empty array of AddressPageStruct
import Cocoa
struct AddressPageStruct {
let firstName: String
let lastName: String
let cellPhone: Int
init(f: String, l:String, c:Int) {
firstName = f
lastName = l
cellPhone = c
struct AddressBookStruct {
let color: String
let size: String
var page = [AddressPageStruct]()
var littleBlackBook = AddressBookStruct(color: "Black", size: "Little")
littleBlackBook.page.append(AddressPageStruct(f: "Bob", l: "Smith", c: 6191234567))