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How to zip folder and sub-folder using zip4j and outputstream

In the program that I am writing, I take the uri of the location to save the zip file from a user. Then, I try to zip the files and folders using zip4j library and outpustream in Android. I modified the code in this Stackoverflow answer and used zip4j instead. My modified code produces the zip file, however it is corrupted.

this is my code written in Kotlin:

class ZipBuilder {
    private fun buildZipParameters(compressionMethod: CompressionMethod, compressionLevel: CompressionLevel,
                                   encrypt: Boolean,
                                   encryptionMethod: EncryptionMethod?,
                                   aesKeyStrength: AesKeyStrength?
    ): ZipParameters? {
        val zipParameters = ZipParameters()
        zipParameters.compressionMethod = compressionMethod
        zipParameters.compressionLevel = compressionLevel
        return zipParameters

    fun zipFileAtPath(sourcePath: String?, toLocation: ParcelFileDescriptor?): Boolean {
        println("zipFileAtPath is called")
        val BUFFER = 2048
        val sourceFile = File(sourcePath!!)
        val zipParameters = buildZipParameters(CompressionMethod.DEFLATE, CompressionLevel.NORMAL,
            false, null, null)

        try {
            var origin: BufferedInputStream? = null
            val desc = toLocation
            val dest = FileOutputStream(desc!!.fileDescriptor)
            val out = ZipOutputStream(BufferedOutputStream(dest)) 

            if (sourceFile.isDirectory) {
                zipParameters.rootFolderNameInZip = sourcePath
                zipSubFolder(out, sourceFile, sourceFile.parent!!.length, zipParameters!!)
            } else {
                val data = ByteArray(BUFFER)
                val fi = FileInputStream(sourcePath)
                origin = BufferedInputStream(fi, BUFFER)

                zipParameters!!.fileNameInZip = getLastPathComponent(sourcePath)
                zipParameters.lastModifiedFileTime = sourceFile.lastModified()


                var count: Int = 0
                while ({ count = it }) != -1) {
                    out.write(data, 0, count)
        } catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
            return false
        return true

    private fun zipSubFolder(
        out: ZipOutputStream, folder: File, basePathLength: Int, zipParameters: ZipParameters
    ) {
        val BUFFER = 2048
        val fileList = folder.listFiles()
        var origin: BufferedInputStream
        fileList?.forEach { file ->
            if (file.isDirectory) {
                zipSubFolder(out, file, basePathLength, zipParameters)
            } else {
                val data = ByteArray(BUFFER)
                val unmodifiedFilePath = file.path
                val relativePath = unmodifiedFilePath
                val fi = FileInputStream(unmodifiedFilePath)
                origin = BufferedInputStream(fi, BUFFER)

                zipParameters.fileNameInZip = relativePath
                zipParameters.lastModifiedFileTime = file.lastModified()

                var count: Int = 0

                while ({ count = it }) != -1) {
                    out.write(data, 0, count)

    fun getLastPathComponent(filePath: String): String? {
        val segments = filePath.split("/").toTypedArray()
        return if (segments.size == 0) "" else segments[segments.size - 1]


I would appreciate it if someone could tell me what could be the problem.


  • I guess you forgot to closeEntry() after writing date for that particular entry. You need to do out.closeEntry() after the while loop of writing data. Have a look at the example here.

    while ({ count = it }) != -1) {
        out.write(data, 0, count)
    out.closeEntry() // --> close entry after writing data