first I must admit, that I am a noobie with the bash and I am sorry if I did any stupid mistakes. I searched a lot, but I think I am missing the basics.
What I want to do:
EDIT: This is the sample data:
column1;column2;column3-iwant;column4;column5 is what i want;;;
loerm ipsum; dolor sit ame;filename;consetur;the content i want in the file;;;
justo;labore;myfilename2;labore;;sometimes something here;
My first attempt was very promising:
cut -d\; -f3,5 myFile.csv | while read line; do echo $line; done
I get the following output:
filename1; Value1, Value2, Value3
filename2, Value B, ValueC, ValueD
What I now want to do is split this string with ";" as delimiter and create a file "filename1.txt" and put the content "Value1, Value2, Value3" in this file.
I tried the next step as follows
cut -d\; -f3,5 myFile.csv | while read line; do filname=$(echo "$line" | cut -d\; -f1) | echo $filename; done
This prints $line for every loop
Next bet:
cut -d\; -f3,5 myfile.csv | while read line; do filename=`echo $line | cut -d\; -f1` | mycontent=`echo $line | cut -d\; -f2` | echo "$filename"; done
Quite close but it prints for every loop the last row of the csv-file.
What is my mistake? Cheers David
I am a newbie here as well, but I think I have the answer.
If you create a script file with this content and make it executable, you can then type ./script.bash NameOfMyFile.csv and it will do your trick. You can at least use this code as a place to start. Good luck!
while IFS=';' read -r newfile contents
echo "Create file: $newfile ==> with contents: $contents"
echo $contents > $newfile
done < "$file"
The sample file I fed it looked like this:
Name1; Put this stuff in the first place I want it And then put in more stuff
Name2; I might, have some; puncuated stuff! But it shouldn't matter.
Name3; 20394)@(#$
Name4; No newline at the end of this line
Create file: Name1 ==> with contents: Put this stuff in the first place I want it And then put in more stuff
Create file: Name2 ==> with contents: I might, have some; puncuated stuff! But it shouldn't matter.
Create file: Name3 ==> with contents: 20394)@(#$
Create file: Name4 ==> with contents: No newline at the end of this line
I hope this helps! Kylie