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Generate and merging results of geometry function into one column in Postgis

I need to create a table of points based on linestring.

Basically I have a linestring table (l_table) and I will generate start, end, centroid of each line. It's necessary to merge these 3 columns into one geometry points column.I desire to keep the original "ID" column associated with the new geometry point. Finally, One more column to describe the new point geometry: start, end or centroid.

Something like this:

 create table point_from_line as (
     select, st_startpoint(l.geom), st_centroid(l.geom), st_endpoint(l.geom)
     case st_startpoint ... then 'start'
     case st_centroid ... then 'centroid'
     case st_endpoint ... then 'end'
     end as geom_origin
     from linestring_table  
     where any condition... 

Note: the geom column result need to be associated with the original id of linestring and one more column to describe if is start, center or end point.

Input columns:, l.geom (linestring);

Output columns:, p.geom (the unified result of st_start, st_centroid, st_endpoint), _p.geometry_origin_ (classification in: start,end, centroid for each row of p.geom)

Could someone help me?


  • Complex and good question, I will try to collaborate. (haha)

    after several hours I think I get a direction to my problem. So, I will explain by steps:

    1 - create 3 recursive cte's: Start, Center, endpoint + the respective classification

      with Recursive cte as
         start point of linestring
         select, st_startpoint(l.geom),
             case when
             l.geom is not null then 'start point'
             end as geom_origin
         where l.somecolumn = 'somefilter'...

    2 - repeat the same above query modifying the parameters for centroid and endpoint

    3 - Union all for the 3 generated cte's yes the id will be repeated, but that is the intention.

    4 - Allocate the 3 ctes in a subquery for generate a unique id value, called by "gid"

    So, the final query seems like this:

    select row_number() over () as gid,, cte.geom, cte.geom_origin
    from (
      with Recursive cte as ( select...),
      cte_2 (select...),
      cte_3 (select...),
    select * from cte
    union all 
    select * from cte_2
    union all
    select * from cte_3

    If someone know another way to reach the same results, please share, but for now, that's solve my doubt.
