I am using Oracle.
Suppose I am having a table with this sample, random, content:
columnA | columnB | content
AfBkxZ | 292 | a
LDglkK | 181 | b
AfBkxZ | 51 | c
AfBkxZ | 315 | d
LDglkK | 808 | e
Cee89g | 1 | f
I would like to have a view inside which I have a unique number for each value in columnA, and record number inside rows for which columnA has that value.
Wanted result based on the sample data above:
Group_number | Record_number | columnB | content
1 | 2 | 292 | a (1.2)
3 | 1 | 181 | b (3.1)
1 | 1 | 51 | c (1.1)
1 | 3 | 315 | d (1.3)
3 | 2 | 808 | e (3.2)
2 | 1 | 1 | f (2.1)
I can obtain record_number
with row_number() over (partition by columnA order by columnB asc)
How do I obtain the group_number
which is actually a friendly sequenced alias for the old columnA
Thank you.
You could use dense_rank
to number columnA:
dense_rank() over (order by columnA)