I have a dataset that is comprised of a date and two other columns that are in array format. I am trying to find all the values in array_1 that are not in array_2.
Date | Array_1 | Array_2
1/20 | [1,2,3] | [1,2]
2/20 | [4,5,6] | [[1,2,4]
Desired Output:
Date | Array_1
1/20 | [3]
2/20 | [5,6]
Just to remind that if you were to use application code for this, it might be as simple as (using PHP for this example):
$array1 = array(4,5,6);
$array2 = array(5,6,7);
print_r(array_diff($array1, $array2));
Outputs: Array ( [0] => 4 )