Say you have a 2D numpy array of bools, array
[[ True True True True True True]
[ True False False False False True]
[ True True True True True True]]
And you wish to represent them pictorially with ██ replacing the True
values and whitespace for the False
██ ██
I've spent too much time with the chararray to no avail trying things like:
chars = np.chararrray(array.shape, unicode=True)
chars[array] = '██'
Your suggested solution works, only need to print it nicer:
chars = np.chararray(array.shape, unicode=True)
chars[array] = '██'
print(np.array2string(chars, separator='', formatter={'str_kind': lambda x: x if x else ' '}))
I am not sure if you want to get rid of the brackets or not though.
[█ █]
In case you wanted without brackets (disclaimer: this is lazy replacement, you probably can do a better job removing them):
print(np.array2string(chars, separator='', formatter={'str_kind': lambda x: x if x else ' '}).replace(" [","").replace("[","").replace("]",""))
█ █