In my app I sometimes display date and time like :
{{ object.dateStart | date:'shortDate' }} : {{ object.dateStart | date:'HH:mm' }}
In my app.module I do have :
import localeFr from '@angular/common/locales/fr';
registerLocaleData(localeFr, 'fr');
{ provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: 'th' },
The date is indeed displayed in good format (dd/mm/aaaa) but the timezone is not applied : If I navigate on my website with a computer in an english timezone, time will be displayed with english timezone, but I want it to be always displayed with the LOCALE_ID timezone (french in my case). I could use :
{{ object.dateStart | date:'HH:mm':'UTC +2' }}
But then I have to specify timezone everywhere I need to display time. LOCALE_ID is not supposed to set the timezone? Is that a normal behaviour? Thx
Locale will only affect representation format and not timezone.
You can refer to this site what Locale actually changes in general which you can observe in your angular code.