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How to extract audio features using C#

i want to extract features of input audio files in C#. (frequencies , length , etc)

for this task i was trying to use nuget library. But I've failed to find a how to guide or working example that suits my need.

Can you please show me how to extract audio features of a file using nuget library. For an example, when i input "song.mp3" file, i want a requency array , decibal array , length etc feature of "song.mp3"


  • If you are looking for some tutorials on how to do stuff with, I think this is all you need.

    and I don't think that C# is the best choice when it comes for Sound preprocessing related stuff. If you are willing to use Python, You can make use of Librosa for all your Sound Preprocessing and feature Extraction things, Dump the datasets into json file or whatever and Use it from C#.