I have a huge List of dictionary like this which has almost 100 entries.
[{ "color":-65536,
{ "color":-65536,
}, .... {}]
I want to insert 2 new keys with values in each dictionary on a particular position.
new_keys = ['touch_x_dp','touch_y_dp']
needs to be placed after key touch_x
and touch_y_dp
needs to be placed after touch_y
The values for these need to be initialized with None.
I have tried this but this does not place them where I need.
for key in dp_keys:data['attempts'][i]["items"][j][key]=None
If your Python is 3.7+, you can do the following:
data = [{"color": -65536,
"touch_size": 0.21960786,
"touch_x": 831.25,
"touch_y": 1597.2656
{"color": -65536,
"touch_size": 0.20392159,
"touch_x": 1302.5,
"touch_y": 1496.0938
fields_order = ["color", "touch_size", "touch_x", "touch_x_dp", "touch_y", "touch_y_dp"]
payload = []
for d in data:
entity = dict([(f, d.get(f)) for f in fields_order])
# output: [{'color': -65536, 'touch_size': 0.21960786, 'touch_x': 831.25, 'touch_x_dp': None, 'touch_y': 1597.2656, 'touch_y_dp': None}, {'color': -65536, 'touch_size': 0.20392159, 'touch_x': 1302.5, 'touch_x_dp': None, 'touch_y': 1496.0938, 'touch_y_dp': None}]
For Python<3.7, you should use OrderedDict
from collections import OrderedDict
fields_order = ["color", "touch_size", "touch_x", "touch_x_dp", "touch_y", "touch_y_dp"]
payload = []
for d in data:
entity = OrderedDict([(f, d.get(f)) for f in fields_order])