I am totaly begginer in DevExpress. I have N number of report (let's say around 100) with different parameters. Now I want to create solution which I will choose parameters
and report
it will display report in Viewer
Since I have read about DevExpress
but I couldnt find any example how to do this. Any idea or guidelines how to do this kind of Report
Refer: Set programatically the title to the viewer form in XtraReport
public partial class ReportViewer : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm
public ReportViewer()
// Used when displaying a single report
public void SetReport(XtraReport report)
this.printControl.PrintingSystem = report.PrintingSystem;
// Used when displaying merged reports
public void SetReport(PrintingSystem system)
this.printControl.PrintingSystem = system;
So displaying a report goes like this:
ReportViewer viewer = new ReportViewer();
viewer.SetReport(new EmployeeReport());