I recently tried to generate OpenAPI documentation for my Sprint Boot application. I added the following lines to my pom.xml
But when I hit the swagger-ui URL on my localhost I get this page
I checked the JSON at /v3/api-docs
and I get a response that starts:
"{\"openapi\":\"3.0.1\",\"info\":{\"title\":\"OpenAPI definition\",\"version\":\"v0\"},\"servers\":[{\"url\":\"https://localhost:8900/tds\",
I can see that the openapi
field is being specified, but it looks like the entire response is stringified instead of just being JSON. Since there doesn't seem to be any configuration for OpenAPI, I assume it's getting that from something in my Spring Boot configuration, but I have no idea where.
I had the same problem. In my case, I have overridden configureMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters)
in the class extending WebMvcConfigurer
. Springdoc uses the converters that are configured there.
First I had some custom converter added to the converters first, and then the StringHttpMessageConverter
. The canWrite(Class<?> clazz, MediaType mediaType)
method of both converters returned true
for clazz
= String.class
and mediaType
= application/json
. Thus the first one was used, which escaped the JSON as string.
When I changed it so that the StringHttpMessageConverter
is added first, that one is used instead, and serializes the JSON object without escaping.