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Does liquibase support data migration from one database to another

I have a scenario where we are migrating from Oracle DB to Postgres Sql, I know I can generate a change-log from Oracle schema using liquibase maven plugin and can use the same to create my schema in Postgres. What i want to know is if its possible to copy the data from oracle to postgresql too using liquibase. If so, how to do it.

Any help is much appreciated.


  • I'm not sure you can copy the data from one database to another using Liquibase changeSet directly.

    But you can use generateChangeLog with --diffTypes=data attribute. It'll include data in the generated changeSets.

    Check out the generateChangeLog docs

    –diffTypes - List of diff types to include in changelog expressed as a comma separated list from: tables, views, columns, indexes, foreignkeys, primarykeys, uniqueconstraints, data.

    And also check out this example

            --classpath="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.0 for SQL Server\\sqljdbc_6.0\\enu\\jre8"  