I got my page layout like this:
return new Scaffold(
appBar: _getAppBarWidget(_currentIndex),
body: return CustomScrollView(slivers: [
delegate: ProfileBar(expandedHeight: 200),
pinned: true,
child: ProfileView()
bottomNavigationBar: BottomBar(),
and I want my ProfileView to take the whole rest of the screensize.
looks like this:
return Container(
color: Colors.green;
child: RaisedButton(
child: const Text('Something'),
textColor: Colors.white,
color: Colors.redAccent,
onPressed: () {}
But I just can't get my Container from ProfileView to take the whole rest of the screenheight that is remaining below the SliverPersistentHeader.
I tried a lot of different things but didn't succeed. (e.g. using Expended) Someone has an advice for this?
Edit: The only thing I succeeded in was hardcoding it. But this is not what I want.
To solve the issue you can use SliverFillRemaining instead of SliverToBoxAdapter
So your updated code will be
return new Scaffold(
appBar: _getAppBarWidget(_currentIndex),
body: return CustomScrollView(slivers: [
delegate: ProfileBar(expandedHeight: 200),
pinned: true,
child: ProfileView()
bottomNavigationBar: BottomBar(),