Let's say I have this Model:
type alias Model =
{ currentDate : String
, yesterdayDate : String
The CurrentDate I got from Html input type date
(Date Picker) is in format YYYY-MM-DD
Html Form
input [ name "date", type_ "date", onInput UpdateDate ] []
UpdateDate date ->
-- Get Yesterday Date function here
( { model | currentDate = date, yesterdayDate = "" }, Cmd.none )
In this situation , how can i get yesterday Date in String ?
My idea is parse the day
into INT and using subtraction method to get Yesterday day but I cannot find any way to do it... Any help is appreciate.
Convert the string date to Posix
, convert the Posix
to milliseconds since epoch, subtract the amount of milliseconds in a day, convert the resulting milliseconds back to Posix and the Posix to an ISO8601 string. Take the first 10 characters from that string.
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Iso8601
import Time exposing (Posix)
sampleDate =
subtractDays : Int -> Posix -> Posix
subtractDays days time =
(Time.posixToMillis time - (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))
|> Time.millisToPosix
subtractDaysFromIsoDate : Int -> String -> String
subtractDaysFromIsoDate days date =
Iso8601.toTime date
|> Result.map (subtractDays days >> Iso8601.fromTime >> String.left 10)
|> Result.withDefault date
main =
text <| subtractDaysFromIsoDate 1 sampleDate
Note that in this implementation if the string is not a valid date it will just be returned unmodified rather than fail. You might want to capture that this operation can fail.