I'm using Django REST Framework and using this library to provide token based authentication to the frontend applications.
There is Login with Google implementation using django-allauth
I want to generate access token when user login using social account.
For handling social login and generating social account, I have created this view.
class GoogleLoginView(LoginView):
Enable login using google
adapter_class = GoogleOAuth2Adapter
serializer_class = CustomSocialLoginSerializer
def login(self):
self.user = self.serializer.validated_data['user']
self.token = TokenView().create_token_response(self.request)
return self.token
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.request = request
self.serializer = self.get_serializer(
context={'request': request}
url, header, body, status_ = self.login()
return Response(json.loads(body), status=status_)
The request data has user
instance along with client_id
and client_secret
of the application.
But this gives error
'{"error": "unsupported_grant_type"}'
Got it solved by passing client_id
and client_secret
along with the social network access token and append other fields in the view like
def login(self):
self.user = self.serializer.validated_data['user']
# Store request
request = self.request
# Change request data to mutable
request.data._mutable = True
# Add required data to the request
request.data['grant_type'] = 'password' # Call Password-owned grant type
request.data['username'] = self.user.username # Fake request data to oauth-toolkit
request.data['password'] = '-' # Fake request data to oauth-toolkit
request.data['social_login'] = True # Important, if not set will use username, password
request.data['user'] = self.user # Important, assign user obj
# Change request data to non-mutable
request.data._mutable = False
# Generate token
self.token = TokenView().create_token_response(request)
return self.token