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SignalR .Net Core 3.1 unable to send object in SendAsync method from service class

Previously I was using .Net Core 2.2, I was able to send a json object from a service class using hub context and SendAsync method to a front end web client. Im having issues after I've upgraded my project framework to 3.1. If i call the SendAsync method using a json object, it will hit an error stating "{"The collection type 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject' is not supported."}", if I send any other class object it will directly go to OnDisconnected.

Sample of the method i use

Using Json Object: await _hubContext.Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync("NotificationResponse", jsonObject);

Using Class Object: await _hubContext.Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync("NotificationResponse", notificationObject);

I've tried sending object directly from the hub, I was able to send a normal class object but not a json object. I did the testing on my project and also sample from this tutorial:


  • I posted this question on github and got the answer from BrennanConroy. Thanks alot !

    His answer was:

    2.1 was using Newtonsoft internally for Json, 3.1 uses System.Text.Json. If you're using features that don't work with System.Text.Json you can switch back to Newtonsoft

    After doing this it fixed the issue.