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rgeolocate error - country for each IP address

I cannot get rgeolocate to work properly. I need to be able to determine if an IP address is in Australia or not.

I have a list of IP addresses in a csv. However I have provided a sample code below and get the following error:

Error in maxmind_(ips, normalizePath(path.expand(file)), fields) : 
  Not compatible with STRSXP: [type=list].

I have googled and searched for a solution to this but nothing I have found has worked to date and I would really appreciate it if anyone knew the solution.

The rgeolocate package has successfully downloaded and the GeoLite2-Country.mmdb appears to be where it should be within the extdata folder.


ip_lst <-
    "ip_lst" = c(

file <- system.file("extdata","GeoLite2-Country.mmdb", package = "rgeolocate")
results <- maxmind(ip_lst, file, c("continent_name", "country_code", "country_name"))

I have tried multiple versions of the Maxmind code unsuccessfully. Grateful in advance for any help.


  • You've created a data frame called ip_lst containing one variable called ip_lst, which is not wrong, but it can be confusing. The problem here is that the maxind function is expecting a character vector, but you are supplying a data frame. So the following should work:

    maxmind(ip_lst$ip_lst, file, c("continent_name", "country_code", "country_name"))
      continent_name country_code   country_name
    1        Oceania           AU      Australia
    2        Oceania           AU      Australia
    3        Oceania           AU      Australia
    4        Oceania           AU      Australia
    5         Europe           GB United Kingdom  # <-- Not an Aussie 8(
    6        Oceania           AU      Australia
    7        Oceania           AU      Australia
    8        Oceania           AU      Australia