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Radio button, Form, items, jspx

I have a create form in a jspx page. One of the fields in enum type. I want to replace the select in the form with a radio button group.

It started with :

 <field:select field="kyn" id="c_com_wop_fin_domain_Got_kyn" items="${kyns}" path="kyns" z="xxx="/>

I changed it to :

c:forEach var="enum" items="${gotkyns}" varStatus="pStatus">
        <input type="radio" name="gotkyns" value="${gotkyns}">${gotkyns}</input>

I have two radio button but I would like to get the value of the enum in my radio buttons. How could I do that ?

My enum class looks like :

public enum GotKyn {

    Hundur, Tyk



  • You could use radiobuton or radiobuttons tags ( Spring View technologies)

    Import apropriate tag library and create data binding using

    Hundur <form:radiobutton path="kyns" value="Hundur"/> <br/>
    Tyk <form:radiobutton path="kyns" value="Tyk"/>


    <form:radiobuttons path="kyns" items="${kynsValues}"/>

    where kynsValues have to be populated in Controller. You pass in an Array, a List or a Map containing the available options in the "items" property ( Providing a link to data from the model with @ModelAttribute).

    public GotKyn[] populateGotKynsTypes() {
        return GotKyn.values();