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Computed property with UNNotificationRequest returns Cannot convert return expression of type 'Void' to return type '[UNNotificationRequest]'

I have a class that handles local notifications and I'd like to determine whether they are enabled or not based on whether any are scheduled. So I thought I could try creating a computed property that contains an array of all the notifications scheduled, but I think there's something I don't understand because I get the following error:

Cannot convert return expression of type 'Void' to return type '[UNNotificationRequest]'

var notifications: [UNNotificationRequest] {
    center.getPendingNotificationRequests { notifications in return notifications }

Simply printing the notifications from within the completion handler works fine, so I am able to get them correctly, just not assign them to the variable.

I also tried creating a separate variable and returning that, but this always defaults to the empty default value I provided.

var notifications: [UNNotificationRequest] {
    var retrievedNotifications: [UNNotificationRequest]?
    center.getPendingNotificationRequests { notifications in retrievedNotifications = notifications }
    return retrievedNotifications ?? []

Any tips or pointers would be appreciated.


  • You can probably use dispatch groups like as follows. What you are actually doing is waiting for all your notifications to be retrieved from a thread and then continue

    var notifications: [UNNotificationRequest] {
        var retrievedNotifications: [UNNotificationRequest] = []
        let group = DispatchGroup()
        // avoid deadlocks by not using .main queue here .qosDefault).async {
            center.getPendingNotificationRequests { notifications in
                retrievedNotifications = notifications
        // wait ...
        return retrievedNotifications