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Why can my HTML element can be identified in Application Modeller but not at runtime? (BluePrism)

I'm pretty new to Blue Prism, and trying to pick up the basics.

Playing around with the Blue Prism resources website (i.e., the introductory blogs), I can successfully spy all <div> elements whose class name includes blog-item via the regular expression .*blog\-item[^s].*, using a dynamic Match Index to parameterise which blog post is used:

Application modeller settings

My Application Modeller (see below) is able to pick this up when the Match Index is set to 3 or more when I highlight it:

Highlight of element works

At runtime, I'm able to use a Wait stage to check if the element with the n'th Match Index exists (using a Data Item [Result Index] which is incremented). Below are the properties for the Wait stage:

enter image description here

This works where [Result Index] equals 1 or 2...

enter image description here

But as soon as [Result Index] increments to 3 or more, the element cannot be found and the Wait stage timeout occurs, despite it being highlighted by the Application Modeller:

enter image description here

If anyone can allude to a reason why this might be occuring or help me debug why the Dynamic match isn't occuring, that'd be great as I'm stumped on this.




  • Answered in the Blue Prism community:

    This is a bug introduced in version 6.7.

    I have reported it and gotten the following reply:

    "You can watch out for this fix within the release notes under reference BG-6464. Until then, it is recommended to continue using the workaround of selecting a different set of match attributes."