Im trying to achieve page source wait from API call
public responseTop: Observable<any>;
this.responseTop = this.productSRV.topEquipments();
this.responseTop.toPromise().then(sucess => {
this.topEquipments = sucess['data'];
// console.log('eq');
// console.log(this.topEquipments);
}).catch(error => {
console.log('Error!', error);
<ng-container *ngFor="let topEq of topEquipments;">
as API is calling two times and how to put | async to wait for page source for SEO If i put
<ng-container *ngIf="responseTop | async">
still it will not load in page source
once you call .then
you execute it first time, when you use async
it executes it second time.
The question is - what is desired behavior?
I would advise to combine them together:
public responseTop: Observable<any>;
this.responseTop = this.productSRV.topEquipments().pipe(
// side effect
tap(success => this.newsletterForm.controls.recaptchaReactive.setValue(success['message'])),
// mapping result to the array we need
map(success => success['data']),
// catching error
catchError(error => {
console.log('Error!', error);
throw error;
<ng-container *ngIf="responseTop | async as topEquipments">
<ng-container *ngFor="let topEq of topEquipments">
{{ topEq | json }}