I'd like to take some time to learn more about dynamic languages built on top of the DLR and I'm not sure which language would be better to learn.
Having limited time, I really only have time to look learn one of them.
Any opinions on which of the two (Iron Ruby or Iron Python) would be more useful in the long run?
If this is 'Which language runs better on the CLR,' then right now, IronPython wins hands down.
For the long term though, 'which language will teach me more, and serve me better in my career as a programmer', I would definitely say IronRuby (this would be true of CPython vs CRuby also)
Ruby will expose you to more 'concepts' than python does, due to it being more liberal in how it handles things like lambda functions, code blocks, eval, and so on.
Anyway, this is probably going to descend into a flame-war. Sorry