I'm looking how to do a moving average in postgresql. What I already have done is:
with sma as (
select date,
avg(col) over(order by date rows between 20 preceding and current row) mov_avg
from eurusd_ohlc
select date, lag(mov_avg,1) over(order by date) from sma
Which yields me the result of the moving average, but it also calculates the value even if there isn't enough terms to calculate a 20 period moving average. The result I get with this is as follows:
| date | sma |
|2020-02-20 03:27:35.140751| NULL |
|2020-02-20 04:19:17.088462| 1.07966 |
|2020-02-20 05:54:44.060929| 1.0796299999999999 |
|2020-02-20 06:41:32.916934| 1.07964 |
|2020-02-20 07:11:59.667919| 1.0794899999999998 |
|2020-02-20 07:26:06.342439| 1.07938 |
|2020-02-20 07:44:15.313053| 1.0792033333333333 |
|2020-02-20 08:06:31.498739| 1.0791971428571427 |
|2020-02-20 08:26:12.278109| 1.07920625 |
|2020-02-20 08:50:23.925312| 1.079178888888889 |
|2020-02-20 09:14:48.951868| 1.079202 |
While this is correct, because it calculates the average with 1, 2, 3 and all the way up to 20 values and then it actually converges, I would like to have the first 20 rows as "nulls", since there isn't 20 rows to calculate an average and start getting an average in row n°20 (or 21 if I'm using lag).
How can I achieve this?
I think you can simplify the logic:
select date, avg(col) over (order by date rows between 21 preceding and 1 preceding)
from eurusd_ohlc
Use a case
expression to get the null
select date,
(case when row_number() over (order by date) >= 21
then avg(col) over (order by date rows between 21 preceding and 1 preceding)
end) as mov_avg
from eurusd_ohlc