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Check if specific shipping method is enabled on WooCommerce cart page

In WooCommerce cart page I am using the code below to check if specific shipping method is enabled, but the condition on the if statement is always true, so it doesn't work.

    global $woocommerce;
    $shipping_methods = $woocommerce->shipping->load_shipping_methods();
    if ( $shipping_methods['free_shipping']->enabled == "yes" ) {


How can I Check on cart page if specific shipping method is enabled?


  • The method enabled() will be yes if the "free_shipping" shipping method is enabled in WooCommerce shipping settings for the current shipping zone, that's why you always get "yes"…

    To check that for WC_Cart object, you will use instead WC_Session related data. Here is an example for "Free shipping" shipping method:

    // Get available shipping methods
    $shipping_for_package_0 = WC()->session->get('shipping_for_package_0');
    $found = false;
    if( isset($shipping_for_package_0['rates']) && ! empty($shipping_for_package_0['rates']) ) {
        // Loop through available shipping methods rate data
        foreach( $shipping_for_package_0['rates'] as $rate ) {
            // Targeting "Free Shipping"
            if( 'free_shipping' === $rate->method_id ) {
                $found = true;
    // Display availability for "Free shipping"
    echo $found ? 'Free shipping is available.' : 'Free shipping is not available.';

    But it will not get refreshed on cart page if the customer make changes on cart page.