I have a dropdown with v-select
Data from API like
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data () {
return {
e11: [],
companies: [
companyName: 'Google',
employee: [{
name: 'Sandra Adams',
name: 'Ali Connors',
name: 'Trevor Hansen',
name: 'Tucker Smith',
companyName: 'Facebook',
employee: [{
name: 'Sandra Adams',
name: 'Ali Connors',
name: 'Trevor Hansen',
name: 'Tucker Smith',
companyName: 'Twitter',
employee: [{
name: 'Sandra Adams',
name: 'Ali Connors',
name: 'Trevor Hansen',
name: 'Tucker Smith',
In dropdown item getting [object object] to fixed fixed it? I want to get dropdown list with grouped by company name.
Here is the codepen link https://codepen.io/yurenlimbu/pen/bGVKGEa?editors=1011
I had a crack at it, as ive also had some issues in the past with vuetify dropdown, i managed to get it to work, you may need to update your current data objects to make the name key unique in the list.
mappedNames: function() {
return this.companies.map(function(person) {
person.employee.forEach(e => e.company = person.companyName)
return person.employee
Here is the codepen: https://codepen.io/mcwalshh/pen/Vwvdvve
I've included the slot for item and selected item, so you can change how the data is displayed inside the select:
<template v-slot:selection="data">
{{ data.item.name }} - {{ data.item.company }}
Here is the updated codepen: https://codepen.io/mcwalshh/pen/rNOKqvd
EDIT #2:
Not really sure how to go about adding titles, i suggest reading more vuetify documentation, or perhaps in my example, use the helper in the text-name instead of the items to access companyName. But following from my previous posts, i think the potential way of doing it, is to inject/unshift an object into the employees with:
{ name: person.employee.companyName, type: "title" }
For now in my example i add it straight to the object, then use template v-if's to determine what is a title:
codepen: https://codepen.io/mcwalshh/pen/NWGzeoK
Now just a matter of targeting parent to match your gif, but im in no way saying this is the best approach, like i said before i had issues with vuetify in the past, so i hope this can help get you by until you work out the best method