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Create coloured probability distribution

Would anybody know how to get the probability distribution coloured in a way as displayed in the image below. I have tried various ways, however without the desired result. It could be either R or Python, because I have tried in both.

Desired colouring


  • If you have the bin values then you can use a colormap to generate the bar colors:

    from scipy import stats
    import numpy as np
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    # generate a normal distribution
    values = stats.norm().rvs(10000)
    # calculate histogram -> get bin values and locations
    height, bins = np.histogram(values, bins=50)
    # bar width
    width = np.ediff1d(bins)
    # plot bar
    # to get the desired colouring the colormap needs to be inverted and all values in range (0,1)[:-1] + width/2, height, width*0.8,

    The key to the colouring is this code: It applies a colormap to then height values, which should be in the range (0, 1), so we normalise the bin values by height.max().
