I'm currently trying to build an application that handles personal finances. I'm struggling with Lagom ways of doing because I can't find any example of "real" application built with Lagom. I have to guess what are best practises and I'm constantly afraid of falling into pitfalls.
My case is the following: I have Users, Accounts and Transactions. Accounts belong to users but can be "shared" between them (with some sort of authorization system, one user is admin and other can read or edit the account). Transactions have an optional "debit" account, an optional "credit" account and an amount which is always positive.
The scenarios I was considering are the followings:
What do you think?
I think that you shouldn't have a different entity 'Transactions' because it is tightly coupled to the account entity, in fact, the transactions of an account is no more than the event log of this account. So I recommend persisting the balance with a unique transaction id and the id of the other account when it is a transfer transaction, and make the read processor to listen the events of the account changes to store them in the read model.
Doing this, a transfer is just a message between the two accounts that results in a modification of the balance that later will be persistent as part of the event log of each of them. This way seems more natural and you don't have to manage a sepparate aggregate root that, in addition, is tightly coupled to the account entities.