I started working with XLRD package for python 3.7.
I have a excel file that contains a fixed number of columns (20) but inside each column, the number of rows is changing (e.g.: first column has 21 rows, second column has 14 rows).
I wrote this:
for col in range(worksheet.ncols):
rows_number= worksheet.nrows
I'd like to know the number of rows for each column. With this code, I get 20 times (number of columns) the number of rows inside the first column. Actually I understand why. I'm iterating the nrows
without changing the column.
How to get number of rows for all the columns?
If I try as follow, I get AttributeError
since col doesn't have nrows attribute.
for col in range(worksheet.ncols):
rows_number= col.nrows
Thank you for your help!!
You can use list comprehension to get the non empty cells in a column, using col method in xlrd and comparing the Cell Type and then calculating its length
for colx in range(worksheet.ncols):
non_emptycells=[i for i,x in enumerate(sheet.col(colx)) if x.ctype is not 0]