Hi I'm stuck on this error message. I tried to encapsulate it with parenthesis still I got an error on this specific line.
<li class="{{ (\Request::is('stocks/*') ? ' open' : Request::is('stocks') ? ' open' : Request::is('defective/*') ? ' open' : '') }}">
It works on local, yet after Iv'e deployed it to heroku the error occurs.
It looks like you put the parentheses in the wrong place. Try this:
<li class="{{ (\Request::is('stocks/*') ? ' open' : ( Request::is('stocks') ? ' open' : ( Request::is('defective/*') ? ' open' : '' ) ) ) }}">
You also may be able to simplify it:
<li class="{{ ( ( \Request::is('stocks/*') || Request::is('stocks') || Request::is('defective/*') ) ? ' open' : '' ) }}">