I created a Cocoa application in C# (using Xamarin.Mac) and I want to check if NSTextField did change the value. I couldn't find a lot of tutorials about this in C#, and the methods found for swift or overrides doesn't work for me. I tried this :
public override void ObjectDidEndEditing(NSObject editor)
public override void DidChangeValue(string forKey)
There are two ways to check if NSTextField did change the value.
the same as MacOS native method , however there is a liitle difference with navite code .As follow :
textField.Delegate = new MyNSTextDelegate();
Create a class inherite from NSTextFieldDelegate
class MyNSTextDelegate : NSTextFieldDelegate
public void Changed(NSNotification notification)
NSTextField textField = notification.Object as NSTextField;
Console.WriteLine("Text Changed : " + textField.StringValue);
from C# Method .As follow:
textField.Changed += TextValue_Changed;
textField.Changed += new EventHandler(TextValue_Changed);
The implement of TextValue_Changed
private void TextValue_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e)
NSNotification notification = sender as NSNotification;
NSTextField textField = notification.Object as NSTextField;
Console.WriteLine("Text Changed : " + textField.StringValue);