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UiPath queue transaction status flow - Require better understanding

I am playing/learning UiPath queue and transaction behavior and so far I have understood few things as per the documentation and tutorials. However, what I am missing in the document and in the forum is how that transaction status flow work and when/where/how can we update the transaction status?

So far what I have achieved is:-

  • When we add new item to the queue the status that get assigned in orchestrator is New
  • After that we use GetItemTransaction activity to get the transaction item, and then we can change the status to either success or failed using Set Transaction Status activity.
  • If we don't use the Set Transaction Status activity and just leave GetItemTransaction activity blank the status that get assigned in Orchestrator is Progress

My question is, is that all we can do with the status or how can we change the status to whatever we like using Studio and Orchestrator both at any given time to any given status from any given status.


  • When we add new item to the queue the status that get assigned in orchestrator is New

    This is correct, except if the queue item is added using the Add Transaction Item activity. In such cases, the status of the newly added queue item (called transaction at this point) is In Progress.

    After that we use GetItemTransaction activity to get the transaction item, and then we can change the status to either success or failed using Set Transaction Status activity.

    Note that the status is automatically changed to In Progress if you use the Get Transaction Item activity, even if you don't use any other activity (like Set Transaction Status) after that.

    If we don't use the Set Transaction Status activity and just leave GetItemTransaction activity blank the status that get assigned in Orchestrator is Progress

    If the status is not changed, it stays In Progress for a fixed amount of time (usually 24h), but then it becomes Abandoned.

    My question is, is that all we can do with the status or how can we change the status to whatever we like using Studio and Orchestrator both at any given time to any given status from any given status.

    There isn't a single activity that allows you to change the status to any of the available statuses, so it's recommended to use the appropriated activity to get to the status that you want (for example, if you want Success or Failed, use Set Transaction Status). For more statuses, please check

    Having said that, it is possible to assign a custom progress status to a queue item using the Set Transaction Progress activity: With this, it's possible to add progress statuses that are more meaningful to a particular process that is being automated.