I'm having trouble getting my image to display. It was displaying before. In my containers/introduction template I have:
<div mat-card-image class="quiz-topic-image"
[ngStyle]="{ 'background': 'url(' + quizData?.imageUrl + ') no-repeat center center',
'background-size': '95%' }">
and in my quiz.ts file I have imageUrl: 'DIDiagram.png',
and the image is in assets/images/DIDiagram.png
I've tried changing the path to the image, but nothing seems to work. Please can you help. Thank you.
write background
and center center
are for background
property) rather than background-image
imageUrl: './../assets/images/DIDiagram.png'
<div mat-card-image class="quiz-topic-image"
[ngStyle]="{ 'background': 'url("' + quizData?.imageUrl + '") no-repeat center center',
'background-size': '95%' }">