I'm trying to build multiple executable with some source in common. My source tree looks like this :
- CMakeLists.txt
- 00 - common
- CMakeLists.txt
- include
- Window.h
- sources
- Window.cpp
- 01 - sample
- CMakeLists.txt
- include
- sources
... and so on
In my root CMakeLists.txt I do add_subdirectory to include common and all the samples, the common part is built as a static library.
The compilation works fine in command line and also on CLion. The problem is that CLion don't understand the structure, when I include Window.h inside Window.cpp of the "common" folder, CLion don't know it, but it offer to use "../include/Window.h" using the auto-completion.
In the CMakeLists.txt of "common" folder I do:
add_library(common STATIC ${sources})
target_include_directories(common PUBLIC "include")
I also tried to use the standard method with include_directories() without success.
What I did wrong ?
Ok after trying to reproduce the problem, I figured out that the folder name accept space but not dashes
Removed the dashes from folder names fixed the problem