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Github language colour based on repo language in a React App

I am currently building a portfolio website for myself, and I have a section for all my GitHub projects, with public repos fetched automatically from the GitHub API.

What I am interested in doing, is displaying a coloured blob next to each repository, depending on the language used in it. If for example repo.language = 'javascript' then I would like a yellow blob next to it (which is GitHub's colour for JavaScript). I know that GitHub uses a library called linguist, but don't know how the best implementation of it would be with my web app.

I know the simplest way would be to use for example the language fetched for each repo as the className and specify a colour in CSS, but I am looking for a more advanced option that would not require me to manually update my CSS files every time I make a repo with a new language that I have not used before (and clutter up my CSS)

If any of you have ever done it before or have got any ideas, drop them down below ;)


  • For a given repository, you can list its languages through GitHub API v3

    GET /repos/:owner/:repo/languages

    That helps on the HTML content generation side.

    But that still require an up-to-date CSS file, preferably one with all supported languages, like this one for instance.

    The OP PRR adds in the comments:

    I just ended up grabbing the top language for each repository, and then storing the hex codes for all the languages I use in a CSS file, so I can then just update it and add more languages when I start using them.